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Flu Season

A severe cold can mimic the flu. There are more than 200 cold viruses, they mutate a lot, and virtually everyone has the symptoms of one...

Choosing a Multiple Vitamin

Everyone should take a multiple vitamin-mineral (MVM) supplement.  One double-blind study of healthy volunteers published in...

Reasons to Eliminate Dairy

Today’s Milk Modern feeding methods substitute high-protein, soy-based feeds for fresh green grass and breeding methods to produce cows...

“What About My Calcium?”

Calcium Deficient In 2001, Americans consumed 23 gallons of milk per person and 30 pounds of cheese. [USDA’s Economic Research Service]...


What is Gluten? Gluten is a protein which is found in wheat, rye, and barley.  Other grains, like oat and spelt, as well as processed...

Magnesium Stearate

A debate is in the air amongst those in the alternative health care industry. Anti-magnesium stearate propaganda has been used by select...

Know your Veggies: Fennel

Another reason many people struggle with vegetable intake is they get stuck in a “carrot rut”. We tend to eat the same vegetables all the...

GMO News

Have you seen the scientific evidence that genetically modified foods are 100% safe with no long-term health related side effects?...

Reading Labels

click image to enlarge Look at the “other ingredients” usually at the bottom of the label. Artificial colors and sweeteners are used to...

On Aspirin

Millions of people take a daily dose of aspirin to act as “insurance” against health problems. But an article published in Alimentary and...

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