A severe cold can mimic the flu. There are more than 200 cold viruses, they mutate a lot, and virtually everyone has the symptoms of one from time to time. Although the worst colds might feel like the flu, lots of people say they have the flu when they really don’t. Only about 20 percent of all influenza-like illness that occurs every year is actually associated with an influenza virus. Many types of respiratory illnesses with flu-like symptoms can be mistaken for influenza. About 80 percent of cases of suspected influenza sent to the CDC for analysis lab test negative for type A or type B influenza. So, when the CDC says, “On average, 226,000 people are hospitalized every year because of influenza and 36,000 die”, these may not be true “influenza” illness/deaths.
No one likes to get the flu. But, is the flu vaccine the answer? We know that regardless of whether or not you get the flu shot, you can still come down with the flu. There is no single virus that causes the flu; there is no one flu vaccine that protects against all of them. The flu shot is only as good as the educated guesses of a group of vaccine researchers across the globe. Every February, they try to predict which flu viruses will be active during the next fall and winter. Their three top choices are put into the vaccine. Even then, the vaccine isn’t perfect because viruses mutate. Even in the best case scenario, it won’t always protect against the flu.
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) is a post-marketing safety surveillance program created in 1990 that collects information about adverse events (possible side effects) that occur after the administration of vaccines licensed for use in the United States. According to VAERS, there have been more than 93,000 reports of reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following influenza vaccinations as of November 2013 (remember…VAERS was only created in 1990). This report includes 1,080 related deaths, 8,888 hospitalizations, 1,801 related disabilities and over 1,700 cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)…all vaccine related. Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a disabling neurological disorder that involves temporary or permanent paralysis that can lead to death. In 2013 the Federal Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) voted to add GBS to the Vaccine Injury Table within the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
Think about this…when the flu vaccine marketing starts to hit the airwaves and you hear the same old tactics how many “countless” have been “hospitalized or die from the flu”, you need to ask yourself a few questions
How many of those were truly “influenza” related? Strep throat, pneumonia and upper respiratory infections can all mimic the flu.
Of those who are hospitalized or die because of flu complications, how many of these have preexisting health conditions which make them more susceptible to serious complications from the flu?
Is the flu vaccine really my only option? Does health really come from a shot?
The health of the immune system is the most important aspect of protecting yourself from flu complications. There are many effective ways to stay well during the flu season. Hygiene, proper nutrition, staying hydrated, stress management, getting plenty of exercise, sleep and vitamin D are some very important things to consider in flu prevention. The recommendations on the following page will help you get a good start on flu prevention. However, if you do get sick we have some recommendations for that as well! If the cold or flu persists or you’re getting sick more than once per year, set up a consultation with us today. There may be something more important going on.
To Prevent Colds and Flu (adults)
1. Strictly avoid all dairy. Review our post on “Reasons to Eliminate Dairy” and “What About My Calcium”.
2. Stay hydrated: drink 1 quart of water per 50lbs of body weight not to go over 3 qts per day.
3. Get adequate protein: when you sit down for your main meals, 25% of your plate needs to be of a protein source: seeds,
nuts, sprouts, quinoa, chicken, eggs, fish, etc.
4. Exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 days per week.
5. Supplementation for the Fall and Winter: (for a 150lb adult)
a. Take a quality multiple vitamin. See our post “Choosing A Multiple Vitamin”.
b. Lauricidin: take one scoop each day.
c. Vitamin C: take 3000mg of Vitamin C each day.
d. Vitamin D: take 5000IU of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) each day. Get your Vitamin D blood test!
e. Zinc lozenge: one 15mg lozenge per day. Watch out for hidden artificial colors and sweeteners.
f. Spread these dosages throughout the day with meals. Do not take the full dose in one sitting.
Prevention for kids
1. thru 4. are the same as adults.
5. Supplementation for the Fall and Winter: (40-100lbs)
a. Take a high potency multiple vitamin for kids.
b. Lauricidin: take ½ scoop each day.
c. Vitamin C: take 500-1000mg of Vitamin C each day.
d. Vitamin D: take 1000IU of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) each day. Get your Vitamin D blood test!
e. Zinc lozenge: ½ of a 15mg lozenge per day. Watch out for hidden artificial colors and sweeteners.
f. Spread these dosages throughout the day with meals. Do not take the full dose in one sitting.
Cold and Flu Relief for Adults
So what do you do IF you do come down with a cold or the flu?
1. Strictly avoid all dairy.
2. Stay hydrated: drink 1 quart of water per 50lbs of body weight not to go over 3 qts per day.
3. Supplement: (for a 150lb adult)
a. Take a high potency multiple vitamin.
b. Lauricidin: take 3 scoops per day.
c. Vitamin C: take 3000-4000mg of Vitamin C per day.
d. Vitamin D: take 5000IU of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) each day. Get your Vitamin D blood test!
e. Echinacea: 150mg, 6 times per day.
f. Zinc Lozenges: Take 4-6, 15mg zinc lozenges for a few days. Watch out for hidden artificial colors and sweeteners.
Relief for kids
1. thru 2. are the same as adults.
3. Supplement: (40-100lbs)
a. Take a high potency multiple vitamin.
b. Lauricidin: take 1-2 scoops per day.
c. Vitamin C: take 500-1000mg of Vitamin C per day.
d. Vitamin D: take 1000IU of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) each day. Get your Vitamin D blood test!
e. Echinacea: Get a good children’s echinacea from your health food stores. Take as recommended on the bottle. Watch out for hidden artificial colors and sweeteners.
f. Zinc Lozenges: Take 1-2, 15mg zinc lozenges for a few days. Watch out for hidden artificial colors and sweeteners.
Are you getting sick every year? Does the cold or flu persist or seem to take “forever” for you get over? Consider setting up a consultation with us as soon as possible. There may be something more important going on.
Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only.
Your individual health status and any required health care treatments can only be properly addressed by a professional healthcare provider of your choice. Remember: There is no adequate substitution for a personal consultation with your chosen health care provider. Therefore, we encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Source: Article provided by Science Based Nutrition™